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5347 Views 12 Replies Latest reply: 2015-11-11 02:16:08

  •   Level 4   
    (105) points
    2015-11-05 22:16:14
     I thought I give everyone a heads up. I have been issues with my Maxisys Pro. Since may before my warranty was up. I did the usual email to tech support. Got the run around. And now this started in May. Tech support changers say I have to contact dealer. They say no. Contact autel USA. I left messages and emails and i a lovely response. Your tool is out a warranty. Duh. Thanks to tech support changers.1895.00 to send in and repair and update. I have been dealing with this before warranty was out and guess what. With the lacking support from chonger. Now I have to come up with 1895.00 to fix. I am hoping others see this and think twice about this tool.  chow.

  •   Level 9   
    (5837) points

    2015-11-06 01:36:16 (Reply to:vipercd)

    Very sad to know this but, If you did report this problem before your warranty expired or, within the warranty time than I think Autel has to sort that out for you....................Have you send an email to Autel China.................? if not than I would advice you to do so I am sure they will help you sort this problems...................Good Luck

  •   Level 4   
    (105) points
    2015-11-06 10:32:59 (Reply to:Ashraf)
     That was the problem. Tech support with the china location yield nothing then when wrty expired. They said contact seller. Really bad taste from this company

  •   Level 6   
    (489) points

    2015-11-06 19:19:22 (Reply to:vipercd)

                  Just saw you responded to other post and thanks for the input you just confirmed my reservations about updating with a supposed hardware protection plan. If the company doesn't stand by their product while under initial warranty then what??? I guess I own a throw away scanner now or just use it till software becomes outdated then toss it along with this company.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-11-09 02:54:19 (Reply to:vipercd)

     Hi, I have already explain the warranty policy via email.  At the very beginning, I didn't know that you have already contact with your dealer( maybe Autel.US) for warranty, so I recommend you to contact with your dealer first. The main reason for recommending customer to contact with his dealer is to caontact with dealer in the local for warranty may save customers shipping fee. Becuase we  konw that dealers will collect all the faulty units and send them back to us at same time. Thanks for your understanding!!!

  •   Level 4   
    (105) points
    2015-11-09 15:05:12 (Reply to:tech54)
     See there is response is simple. Pass the back to the dealer. The dealer says go to the maker. I kept asking to ship to some one and they would not say where until wrty was up. Guess I have a blank screen.

  •   Level 6   
    (489) points

    2015-11-09 19:49:06 (Reply to:vipercd)

                     I and other users see exactly what they are doing. Give you the runaround till warranty period expired by trying to make the dealer service something he can't and should only be involved  as a pass-thru shipping if dealer network was strictly closed which it isn't. I wonder how many others got screwed by this company if they were unfortunate like you to have tool take a S***. No confidence in this company to solve valid hardware issue and I'll guess we won't see any response to my question of total care protection with updates going forward. In my opinion they should have at the very least offered to update then service tool for the flat rate which is a lot less and you'd have another year of updates for your money at least. I don't know what tools you own but if this was your main scanner they effectively put you out of business or at the least caused hardship to the business.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-11-10 03:48:08 (Reply to:vipercd)

     Hi, we got your original email on 2015-07-23 and we replied it at the same day. We checked our server and found update service of your Maxisys expired on 2015-05-02, which means it is alreadyout of warranty period when we got your first email.

  •   Level 2   
    (24) points

    2015-11-10 15:39:35 (Reply to:Autel Support)

    So, have I got this correct?
    This poor gentleman purchased the tool on or around the 2nd of May, 2014. And the tool has become an unusable paperweight some time before the 23rd of July, 2015. 2 short months after the 12 months warranty period had expired. Who in their right minds would consider 14 months of life to be an acceptable amount of time? You guys should be really proud of yourselves. Autel are nothing more than a bunch of lying thieving low life scumbags.

  •   Level 6   
    (489) points

    2015-11-10 20:35:11 (Reply to:Autel Support)

             Ok so we have different versions of when Vipercd's warranty period ended it seems not for me to take sides but as notupthere stated still a very short tool life. I still have scanners that work fine bought before the millenium as some sort of gauge. If you've got hundreds of these tablets going down quickly I guess we could understand it's cost prohibitive  to help the end user. Your only workaround to viper was to pretty much pay the full monte to get back up and running which you could take a hard line about if you chose but I gotta say some goodwill to end users who were unfortunate can go a long ways for your reputation as a company here to stay so think about it and maybe work with viper for a better solution instead of bantering about the gotcha date.
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